


”Art Show No Show”,

2021 ACCJ Japan ”Art Show No Show”, Tokyo, Japan. Koa Art Collection we rise a little over ¥ 300,000

“Art and BMW”

2018 Art for Charity IV “Art and BMW” @ Osaka, Japan sponsored by ACCJ Kansai to support FBK

Art and Saki

2016 Art for Charity II Art and Saki @ InterContinental Hotel Osaka KAG and sponsored by ACCJ Kansai to support FBK.

Fireball Tim

Create original designs and animation with  Fireball Tim Fireball Tim’s original designs.   Fireball Tim Lawrence is the preeminent Hollywood movie car designer …

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PBS Sprout 

2007, Collaborate with PBS Sprout, Comcast Kid’s cable television network, for a series of animated movies for their Sunnyside Up program in …

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2007 Scholastic  New York, USA     Scholastic Inc./Independent Contractor Project: Summer Reading Buzz 2007

Lenny Kravitz portrait

1999     Kidz 2000 & beyond (a crusade against child abuse) art auction, portrait of Lenny Kravitz, Sheraton Bal Harbour, Bal Harbour, 

Western union “Y2K project

Appointed official corporate artist for Western union “Y2K project” Westwood, New Jersey(アメリカ・ニュージャージー

Woodstock Ninety-Nine

1999 Woodstock Ninety-Nine art project featured artist One of the 9 artits and many that his work was burn in the event


1995      United Nations Development Program contributor, New York, New York(アメリ Art Director projects in Venezuela and Mongolia help Artists …

  MTV Beach House

1997    MTV Beach House, Europe art director, Hague, Holland(オランダ) Animtion departnent Animator with the “The Box”

St. Petersburg National Opera

1993     St. Petersburg National Opera set design, St. Petersburg, Russia(ロシア・サンクトペテルブルグ Set design